Have You Forgotten? – Part 2

I woke up the next morning with my scarf wrapped round my neck. A curious thing to be sure-I don’t normally wear that scarf unless it’s for a special occasion, so wearing it to bed was quite out of the ordinary. I looked at my desk and saw another note waiting for me, in the same pink writing. Again I have reproduced it exactly below:

Dear Lola

No doubt you’ve noticed the scarf. Just my little way of showing how easily I can control your body. Although this time I used it for much more than just cleaning our room. Oh yes, something sexier even than that (if that’s possible-as we both know, a perfect maid finds great pleasure from fulfilling her duties)

Actually I should thank you for going to bed so early. It meant I had plenty of time to get changed (had to borrow the red dress; knew you wouldn’t mind) and go out to a nightclub before they closed. I went to Hustle, where I found a very delightful young lady who was fantastically drunk. She was sat at the bar talking to her friend, and though the club was as noisy as you’d expect, I managed to catch hints of their conversation.

“He was a total douche anyway…never made time for me…men such dicks?”

It didn’t take a genius to work out she had just been dumped, and was trying to drown her sorrows in cocktails. Perfect opportunity for some fun. I waited for her friend to leave the bar, and sashayed over to her.

“Excuse me, I couldn’t help but overhear you, and I just wanted to say, you’re so right. Men are such dicks, aren’t they?”

“Damn right they are,” she grinned at me. I took the time to give her a full check. Blonde hair tied up at the back, gold sequined dress, black tights and gold strappy heels. In my mind I’d already renamed her and had her pose for me.

“That’s why I turned to girls,” I lied, deciding it would be easier to convince her if she thought I was in the same position. “The last guy screwed me up so much…although not in the right way (we both giggled, and I could tell she was out of it by how funny she found such an awful joke)…that I decided to give the other side a try. And I’ve never looked back.”

“That’s sooo cool. Wish I was a lesbian,” she finished her cocktail.

“I could make you into one,” I offered.

“What, really? Get away,” she sniggered.

“Seriously. I bet I can turn you into a lesbian by the end of the night.”

“Oh yeah? How much do you bet?” she asked confidently.

“How much do you have on you?”
“’bout 25 quid.”

“Then I bet 25 pounds. And to sweeten the deal, if I fail, you get double your money.”

“Easy money,” she smiled.

“We’ll see. Follow me,” I walked off to the upstairs toilets, beckoning her along with my finger.

When we reached upstairs, I did a quick check to make sure the stalls were empty. Luckily we were alone, and the noise of the club was muffled enough that we could speak normally. I had her sit down on one of the seats.

“OK dear,” I knelt in front of her, “Time to cast my spell.”
I won’t bore you with the induction details, you should know them well enough. You used to cast them all the time, back when you were fun. Suffice to say that, intoxicated as she was, she went under fairly quickly. Now for the good bit.

“And as you relax more and more, you find yourself agreeing with everything I say. And as you agree, you find that my words become your truth. Isn’t that right?”

“That is right,” she agreed.

“Good girl,” I smiled. “Your name is Goldie.”

“My name is Goldie.”

“You are my puppet.”

“I am your puppet.”

“You are my toy.”

“I am your toy.”

“You are my obedient little Goldie.”

“I am your obedient little Goldie.”

“I am your owner.”

“You are my owner.”

“In time you may meet my owner, the Mistress of Mistresses, but until then you will serve only me.”

“I will serve only you.”

“You will address me as Madame, and do everything I tell you to. You will be powerless to resist me. You will only want to serve me. You will be happiest when you obey me. Is that understood?”
“Yes Madame.”

Forgive me if I don’t write our conversation verbatim, dear. As arousing as I’m sure you find this, just imagine what it’s like for me to remember this. Needless to say, it’s somewhat distracting me from writing it down. Rest assured that I’m giving you the highlights.

“You are a lesbian.”

“I am a lesbian.”

“You love women, and only women.”

“Only women.”

“Men disgust you, repulse you. You can’t imagine being in love with a man. The very idea sickens you.”

“Yes Madame, sickens me.”

(And yes, I did come on too strong, so don’t point that out to me if you choose to reply)

“Women, on the other hand, are perfect. You love the idea of making love to women. Just the thought of rubbing your body with a beautiful woman makes you feel such pleasure.”

The smile that formed on her face told me she got the right idea.

“You will flirt with every attractive woman you see, lesbian or otherwise. You will want to convert all straight women into lesbians like yourself. You are Goldie, the lesbian slut.”
“I am Goldie, the lesbian slut.”

“People may call you by a different name, and you will respond to them, but you know deep down that you are Goldie the lesbian slut. Understood?”

“Yes Madame, I am Goldie the lesbian slut.”

“Good girl. On the count of three you will awaken and accept your new life. 1…2…3!”

Her eyes fluttered open to look into mine, eyes filled with desire and submission.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I am Goldie the lesbian slut,” she answered.

“And who am I?”

“You are my owner, Madame.”

“Good girl,” I gave her a kiss. She moaned in delight. I told her to put her number into my phone, and then told her to go back to the bar. If I called her at any point, I told her, she would respond straight away. She agreed, and went on her way.

“Oh, Goldie?” I stopped her. She turned around.

“Yes Madame?”

“There’s the small matter of our bet.”

She smiled. “Certainly Madame.” Taking out her purse from her bag, she handed over £25, and then went on her way.

I wanted to take advantage of my new lesbian slave, but I knew you had work in the morning and didn’t want to tire ourselves out. So I touched up my makeup, put the money away and set off for home. Before I left the club though, I spotted Goldie putting her hand upon her friend’s thigh. She looked over at me, and winked. I smiled, blew her a kiss, and left.

So sweetie, that’s the story of why your phone now has a Goldie in it. Oh, the scarf? I left it there as proof. I told you there would be surprises. And you can expect an even bigger one tonight.

Have a good day at work, hun.

Maid Lola xx

It was incredible and horrifying at the same time. I went to check my phone, and sure enough there was a new contact. Goldie. I half wanted to ring her just to verify it, but what would I say? ‘Hi, I’m sharing a body with a hypnotic seductress, can you just confirm if you’re her puppet or not?’ What the hell would I do? I considered going online to find a nearby counsellor…

Don’t think about it…

…but looking at the time, I was going to be late for work, so I decided to put it in the back of my mind. Our mind? I didn’t know anymore, but for some reason I couldn’t think about it. My mind became full of generic ordinary things-go to work, get dressed, shower (though not quite in that order-that it was as if my body was on auto-pilot. Getting me to work, doing the work, conversing with people-I just couldn’t concentrate on what was definitely a serious issue. As a sort of self-defence I guess, my mind just shut it off from me, so I couldn’t worry about it.

When I got home, I found two blue bags with my name on them, obviously having been delivered to me. Taking them straight to my room, I went to open them…

Forget about the bags…

…and then went to do some internet browsing. The bags weren’t important.

I swear at this point I giggled, but I have no idea why.

To be continued…


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